Drama is a universal form of expression across cultures and has long been regarded as a powerful tool with profound positive effects on an individual’s social, emotional and physical development. Dramaestro’s direction with its myriad of programmes is developed on these beliefs and focuses on benefiting individuals in life overall.
Dramaestro encompasses enrichment programmes ranging from acting skills, story theatre training and poetry theatre training to script writing, musical theatre training and theatre management. In addition, each programme has its own distinctive focus such as introduction to traditional art forms in Singapore, magic tricks training and inspirational sessions with local poets, writers or actors depending on the nature of the course.
Dramaestro recognises every student is unique and drama educators in Dramaestro are full time trainers who have a wealth of experience in teaching performing arts to meet the differing learning needs and abilities. Our trainers are industry specialists from a diversified background in acting, directing, writing and production and are very much sought after for their talent and specialised skills in the industry. As such, our dedicated trainers will unleash every student’s potential and develop their performing talent above and beyond the classroom.
Dramaestro is committed to realising Singapore’s vision to create a vibrant and rich performing arts culture and aims to cultivate and nurture individuals passionate in the arena of drama.